- Jueves
- Martes
- Viernes
- Sábado
- Martes
- Domingo
- Lunes
- Martes
- Jueves
- Jueves
- Martes
- Lunes
- Jueves
- Viernes
- Domingo
- Martes
- Sábado
- Miércoles
- Doxa
Sobre la poesía y los poetas
- Francesca (Ezra Loomis Pound)
- A Sort of a Song (William Carlos Williams)
- The Poem (William Carlos Williams)
- The Tender Place (Ted Hughes)
- Some Trees (John Ashbery)
- Cascando (Samuel Beckett)
- 340 (Emily Dickinson)
- Hor. Carm. III.19
- Verg. Aen. II, 228-254
- Hamlet, 3, I (William Shakespeare)
- Canto XLV (Ezra Loomis Pound)
- imagine si ceci... (Samuel Beckett)
- Aube (Blaise Cendrars)
- The Locust Tree in Flower, Second Version (William Carlos Williams)
- What is the Word (Samuel Beckett)
- TO KALON (Ezra Loomis Pound)
- Part V, Stanza XXXVIII (Gertrude Stein)
- Alba (Ezra Loomis Pound)
- IMEPPW (Ezra Loomis Pound)
- Salmo 1 (Septuaginta)
- Salmo 126 (Septuaginta)
- Salmo 136 (Septuaginta)
- I Am Vertical (Sylvia Plath)
- One Art (Elizabeth Bishop)
- Poetry (Marianne Moore)
- I Know a Man (Robert Creeley)
- Time is an inclusive series said McTaggart (Kenneth Rexroth)
- Catul. 8
- The Rose (William Carlos Williams)
- This Be the Verse (Philip Larkin)
- The Enlacement (James Laughlin)
- How Poetry Comes To Me (Gary Snyder)
- Nightfall...(Jack Kerouac)
- Of Modern Poetry (Wallace Stevens)
- The Coming of Light (Mark Strand)
- Barefoot (Anne Sexton)
- Rosemary (Marianne Moore)
- I Am in Need of Music (Elizabeth Bishop)
- These (William Carlos Williams)
- Epitaph on a Tyrant (W. H. Auden)
- Two English Poems (Jorge Luis Borges)
- In a Station of the Metro (Ezra Loomis Pound)
- Endymion, I, 1-24 (John Keats)
- Sea Rose (Hilda Doolittle)
- Song (Seamus Heaney)
- Habitation (Margaret Atwood)
- Oh Make Me a Mask (Dylan Thomas)
- Journey into the Interior (Theodore Roethke)
- because i love you) the other night (e.e. cummings)
- Lolita (Vladimir Nabokov)
- Hor. Carm. I.11
- Portami il girasole ch'io lo trapianti... (Eugenio Montale)
- Funeral Blues (W. H. Auden)
- The Victims (Sharon Olds)
- Contraband (Denise Levertov)
- Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio... (Eugenio Montale)
- Being Christlike (Ted Hughes)
- The Marriage (Denise Levertov)
- A Tree Telling of Orpheus (Denise Levertov)
- Death of a Naturalist (Seamus Heaney)
- The End (Sharon Olds)
- Sapph. 31
- Catul. 51
- L'Albatros (Charles Baudelaire)
- Mass for the Day of St. Thomas Didymus (Denise Levertov)
- Sex Without Love (Sharon Olds)
- Matins (Louise Glück)
- somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond (e.e. cummings)
- Matins (Louise Glück)
- The Conoisseuse of Slugs (Sharon Olds)
- The Poem that Took the Place of a Mountain (Wallace Stevens)
- 449 (Emily Dickinson)
- The Shameful Profession (James Laughlin)
- And the days are not full enough... (Ezra Loomis Pound)
- In Half Darkness (James Laughlin)
- Maledicti In Plebe Sint (James Laughlin)
- The Offers (Ted Hughes)
- Sapph. 52 Bergk
- The Jacob's Ladder (Denise Levertov)
- The Secret (Denise Levertov)
- The Old Men Admiring Themselves in the Water (W. B. Yeats)
- Aedh Thinks of Those Who Have Spoken Evil of His Beloved (W. B. Yeats)
- Les Aveugles (Charles Baudelaire)
- Separation (W.S. Merwin)
- Bucolics, IV (Maurice Manning)
- Musée des Beaux Arts (W. H. Auden)
- Heaven to Be (Sharon Olds)
- Master of Disguises (Charles Simic)
- Love (Robert Creeley)
- My Father Admits Defeat (Joe Urbach)
- Love (Sarah Diano)
- The Albatross (Frank Shaughnessy)
- Marriage (Sarah Diano)
- Else (Robin Myers)
- The Picture (Ezra Loomis Pound)
- Meditation at Lagunitas (Robert Hass)
- The Forms of Love (George Oppen)
- A Pact (Ezra Loomis Pound)
- Aedh wishes for the Cloth of Heaven (W. B. Yeats)
- Fast Forward (Joe Urbach)
- Ash Wednesday (T. S. Eliot)
- Ezequiel 37:1-14 (Septuaginta)
- Keynes (Joe Urbach)
- Journey of the Magi (T. S. Eliot)
- The Metaphysics of Pedro the Ice Cream Man (Robin Myers)
- A Dream (Sarah Diano)
- Misery and Splendor (Robert Hass)
- Threnos (Ezra Loomis Pound)
- The Pink Locust (William Carlos Williams)
- L'Adieu (Guillaume Apollinaire)
- 1926 (Weldon Kees)
- Down, wanton, down! (Robert Graves)
- The Passionate Shepherd to His Love (Christopher Marlowe)
- A Faery Song (W. B. Yeats)
- Digging (Seamus Heaney)
- The Thread (Denise Levertov)
- Alejandro at the Halfway Point (Robin Myers)
- Assault (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
- The Ache of Marriage (Denise Levertov)
- To Aunt Rose (Allen Ginsberg)
- Todesfuge (Paul Celan)
- The Breathing (Denise Levertov)
- Walt Disney's Epitaph (Frank Shaughnessy)
- The Coming of the Plague (Weldon Kees)
- Happiness (Raymond Carver)
- The Coming Fall (Denise Levertov)
- Epigram (Sarah Diano)
- The Frog and the Golden Ball (Robert Graves)
- The Garden Wall (Denise Levertov)
- The Depths (Denise Levertov)
- The Night Migrations (Louise Glück)
- An Irish Airman Foresees His Death (W. B. Yeats)
- The Talkers (Sharon Olds)
- Clouds Gathering (Charles Simic)
- Flying Over Clouds (Dana Gioia)
- In Chandler Country (Dana Gioia)
- Light (Robin Myers)
- Men After Work (Dana Gioia)
- Till Death Do Us Part (Amy Benoit)
- i like my body when it is with your (e e. cummings)
- Rush Hour (Amy Benoit)
- Epigram (Sarah Diano)
- Magdaleno's Conversion (Robin Myers)
- Frog Autumn (Sylvia Plath)
- Song of the Builders (Mary Oliver)
- Wild Geese (Mary Oliver)
- The Privilege of Being (Robert Hass)
- Aedh Laments the Loss of Love (W. B. Yeats)
- If This Room Is Our World (Weldon Kees)
- Lament (Louise Glück)
- Tenderness and Rot (Kay Ryan)
- Spring and All (William Carlos Williams)
- Nostos (Louise Glück)
- The Remains (Mark Strand)
- Aedh Tells of the Rose in His Heart (W. B. Yeats)
- Our Bodies (Denise Levertov)
- Magdaleno in Motion (Robin Myers)
- Coming to This (Mark Strand)
- So You Say (Mark Strand)
- Meditations on a Ledge (Amy Benoit)
- Small Prayer (Weldon Kees)
- Covering Two Years (Weldon Kees)
- The Night, the Porch (Mark Strand)
- That Winter (Weldon Kees)
- Land's End (Weldon Kees)
- La Vita Nuova (Weldon Kees)
- The Lefties (Chris Talbott)
- Poem Instead of a Letter (Weldon Kees)
- The Hidden Law (W. H. Auden)
- The Ambassadors (Weldon Kees)
- Supergroups (Frank Shaughnessy)
- To Build a Quiet City in His Mind (Weldon Kees)
- The Only Child (Chris Talbott)
- When the Vacation Is Over for Good (Mark Strand)
- Ab Ovo (Joseph Brodsky)
- The Good Life (Mark Strand)
- City Psalm (Denise Levertov)
- First Anniversary (Weldon Kees)
- A Young Man Travelling (Denise Levertov)
- Epitaph for a Centaur (Joseph Brodsky)
- Transatlantic (Joseph Brodsky)
- At a Lecture (Joseph Brodsky)
- Letter to an Archeologist (Joseph Brodsky)
- A Supermarket in California (Allen Ginsberg)
- To My Daughter (Joseph Brodsky)
- For My Daughter (Weldon Kees)
- For Jessica, My Daughter (Mark Strand)
- In Celebration (Mark Strand)
- In Memory of Joseph Brodsky (Mark Strand)
- The Story (Mark Strand)
- From the Long Sad Party (Mark Strand)
- The Prediction (Mark Strand)
- The Late Hour (Mark Strand)
- September 1961 (Denise Levertov)
- Here Are My Black Clothes (Louise Glück)
- This Living Hand (John Keats)
- The Older Programs That We Falsified (Weldon Kees)
- Early Winter (Weldon Kees)
- The Smiles of the Bathers (Weldon Kees)
- Rites for Winter (Weldon Kees)
- A Postcard (Joseph Brodsky)
- Return of the Ghost (Weldon Kees)
- Crime Club (Weldon Kees)
- Patience (Kay Ryan)
- Fable (Louise Glück)
- Snowfall (Mark Strand)
- Old Man Leaves Party (Mark Strand)
- O Infante (Fernando Pessoa)
- The Emperor of Ice-Cream (Wallace Stevens)
- The Polar Expedition (LeRoy S. Davis)
- Our Last Days (LeRoy S. Davis)
- Impermanence Cowboys (LeRoy S. Davis)
- I LIke You So Much (Frank Shaughnessy)
- The Boy In Love With His Friend (Chris Talbott)
- XXVII (Emily Dickinson)
- Robinson at Home (Weldon Kees)
- The Patient Is Rallying (Weldon Kees)
- To a Poor Old Woman (William Carlos Williams)
- To Waken an Old Lady (William Carlos Williams)
- The Storm (William Carlos Williams)
- Monday Morning (Billy Collins)
- Forgetfulness (Billy Collins)
- Late Fragment (Raymond Carver)
- The bottoms of my shoes.. (Jack Kerouac)
- The poppies!––... (Jack Kerouac)
- Snap your finger... (Jack Kerouac)
- The Waste Land, I, 1-42 (T. S. Eliot)
- The Waste Land, I, 43-76 (T. S. Eliot)
- Hum (Ann Lauterbach)
- The Idea (Mark Strand)
- The Red Wheelbarrow (William Carlos Williams)
- Horse (Louise Glück)
- Wandrers Nachtlied [II] (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
- Wandrers Nachtlied [I] (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
- On Turning Ten (Billy Collins)
- Love Comes Quietly (Robert Creeley)
- Parable of the Truth (Robert Bringhurst)
- Parable of the Voices (Robert Bringhurst)
- Parable of the Harps (Robert Bringhurst)
- Parable of the Stream (Robert Bringhurst)
- Goodbye Mantra (LeRoy S. Davis)
- This Song Will Self-Destruct (Jillian Kwon)
- This Song Exists in the Stars (Jillian Kwon)
- This Song Is Just This Song (Jillian Kwon)
- The City As Hero (Weldon Kees)
- To the North (Weldon Kees)
- Beauty (B. H. Fairchild)
- Autumn Begins in Martins Ferry, Ohio (James Wright)
- Alcove (John Ashbery)
- Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse (John Ashbery)
- At North Farm (John Ashbery)
- A Stone Knife (James Schuyler)
- Crazy Weather (John Ashbery)
- An Additional Poem (John Ashbery)
- What Is Poetry (John Ashbery)
- Song (John Ashbery)
- The Vegetarians (John Ashbery)
- My Erotic Double (John Ashbery)
- Late Echo (John Ashbery)
- The End (Mark Strand)
- The History of Poetry (Mark Strand)
- XL (Mark Strand)
- Life in the Valley (Mark Strand)
- Fiction (Mark Strand)
- Fire (Mark Strand)
- Exile (Hart Crane)
- A Name for All (Hart Crane)
- My Grandma's Love Letters (Hart Crane)
- The Upstairs Room (Weldon Kees)
- Colloquy (Weldon Kees)
- Farai un vers de dreit nien (Guilhem de Peitieu)
- Robinson (Weldon Kees)
- Dynamite for Operas (Weldon Kees)
- The Darkness (Weldon Kees)
- Girl at Midnight (Weldon Kees)
- Praise to the Mind (Weldon Kees)
- River Song (Weldon Kees)
- Moving Target (Weldon Kees)
- Interregnum (Weldon Kees)
- Fugue (Weldon Kees)
- Obituary (Weldon Kees)
- The Base (Weldon Kees)
- The Beach in August (Weldon Kees)
- The Bunyip (Weldon Kees)
- Report of the Meeting (Weldon Kees)
- Subtitle (Weldon Kees)
- O Living Always, Always Dying (Walt Whitman)
- I Am He That Aches With Love (Walt Whitman)
- What Am I After All (Walt Whitman)
- A Noiseless Patient Spider (Walt Whitman)
- How My House Would Be if it Were an Animal (Denise Levertov)
- Living While It May (Denise Levertov)
- Love Poem (Denise Levertov)
- Movement (Denise Levertov)
- The Vow (Galway Kinnell)
- The Solitude of an Apricot (Carl Adamshick)
- The Confession of an Apricot (Carl Adamshick)
- Aspects of Robinson (Weldon Kees)
- Relating to Robinson (Weldon Kees)
- Homage to Arthur Waley (Weldon Kees)
- The Scene of the Crime (Weldon Kees)
- The Old Nudists (Adam Wolniewicz)
- "The Dreadful Has Already Happened" (Mark Strand)
- The Midnight Club (Mark Strand)
- The Rose (Mark Strand)
- I Will Love the Twenty-first Century (Mark Strand)
- The Famous Scene (Mark Strand)
- A Winter Night (Mark Strand)
- XVI (Mark Strand)
- I (Mark Strand)
- XLIV (Mark Strand)
- The Continuous Life (Mark Strand)
- VIII (Mark Strand)
- XIV (Mark Strand)
- XLV (Mark Strand)
- VII (Mark Strand)
- The Beach Hotel (Mark Strand)
- Courtship (Mark Strand)
- The Next Time (Mark Strand)
- Keeping Things Whole (Mark Strand)
- Epilogue (Robert Lowell)
- Madrigal (Tomas Tranströmer)
- Efter någons död (Tomas Tranströmer)
- Romanska bågar (Tomas Tranströmer)
- Från mars -79 (Tomas Tranströmer)
- Mattina (Giuseppe Ungaretti)
- A Poet to His Beloved (W. B. Yeats)
- Aedh Tells of the Perfect Beauty (W. B. Yeats)
- A Love Song (William Carlos Williams)
- A Distance From the Sea (Weldon Kees)
- O Dad (Anne Carson)
- The Pond (Louise Glück)
- When I heard the Learn'd Astronomer (Walt Whitman)
- Conflations (Robin Myers)
- Antelmo To His Daughter, Norma [1991-2009] (Robin Myers)
- When I Read The Book (Walt Whitman)
- Once I Pass'd Through A Populous City (Walt Whitman)
- When I Read The Book (Walt Whitman)
- Music I Heard (Conrad Aiken)
- Another Place (Mark Strand)
- Just Walking Around (John Ashbery)
- That Room (John Ashbery)
- Meditatio (Ezra Loomis Pound)
- Everything is straining on its axis... (Robin Myers)
- Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock (Wallace Stevens)
- From Disaster (George Oppen)
- Crown (Kay Ryan)
- Psalm (George Oppen)
- A Soul Cake (Denise Levertov)
- The Closed World (Denise Levertov)
- Poet Power (Denise Levertov)
- What She Could Not Tell Him (Denise Levertov)
- The Stone Carver's Poem (Denise Levertov)
- The Emissary (Denise Levertov)
- A Bird's Eye View (Ben Lerner)
- For Pleasure (Aaron Kunin)
- The Sore Throat (Aaron Kunin)
- The Sore Throat (Aaron Kunin)
- We Are Pleased to Offer a Lamp (Ben Lerner)
- Repetition (Kay Ryan)
- The Rose (Ben Lerner)
- In My Time (Ben Lerner)
- Thou Hast Made Me, And Shall Thy Work Decay? (John Donne)
- This Is Me (Caitlin Makhlouf)
- I must drive many miles to deliver this punchlines (Ben Lerner)
- What am I the antecedent of? (Ben Lerner)
- My Villanelle Is Just a Stroke of Luck (Ariella Jenkins)
- My Villanelle Was Written by a Creep (Ariella Jenkins)
- Resembling a mobile but having no mobile parts (Ben Lerner)
- Globus Hystericus (Caitlin Makhlouf)
- Total Destruction (William Carlos Williams)
- Snap your finger… (Jack Kerouac)
- A Postcard From the Volcano (Wallace Stevens)
- Between Walls (William Carlos Williams)
- Love Song (William Carlos Williams)
- The Snow Man (Wallace Stevens)
- You Left Me, Sweet, Two Legacies (Emily Dickinson)
- Much Madness Is Divinest Sense (Emily Dickinson)
- The Moods (W. B. Yeats)
- Hurricane (William Carlos Williams)
- Underground (Robin Myers)
- Memory (W. B. Yeats)
- Union Square Station (Robin Myers)
- Eve's Lament (Amy Benoit)
- Futility in Key West (Mark Strand)
- Parable of the Thinker (Robert Bringhurst)
- Essay on Adam (Robert Bringhurst)
- A Quadratic Equation (Robert Bringhurst)
- The Impurity of Pleasure (Mark Strand)
- There Is No Wind in Oslo (Mark Strand)
- First Light (Robert Bringhurst)
- These Poems, She Said (Robert Bringhurst)
- Parable of the Moon (Robert Bringhurst)
- Death by Water (Robert Bringhurst)
- Poem About Crystal (Robert Bringhurst)
- My Turn to Confess (Charles Simic)
- Description of a Lost Thing (Charles Simic)
- Romantic Sonnet (Charles Simic)
- Against Winter (Charles Simic)
Rock & Pop
- Billie Jean (Michael Jackson)
- Black or White (Michael Jackson)
- Why Do Fools Fall in Love (Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers)
- Wave of Mutilation (The Pixies)
- The Dresses Song (Lisa Germano)
- Every Day Is Like Sunday (Morrissey)
- Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now (The Smiths)
- You Never Give Me Your Money (The Beatles)
- Wouldn't It Be Nice? (The Beach Boys)
- Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones)
- Papa Don't Preach (Madonna)
- True Love Is Not Nice (Johnatan Richman & The Modern Lovers)
- Rebel Yell (Billy Idol)
- I Shot the Sheriff (Bob Marley & The Wailers)
- The KKK Took My Baby Away (The Ramones)
- Girlfriend in a Coma (The Smiths)
- Boys Don't Cry (The Cure)
- I Don't Like Mondays (The Boomtown Rats)
- Break Up the Family (Morrissey)
- Sweet Child O' Mine (Guns N' Roses)
- Ode to Divorce (Regina Spektor)
- Karma Police (Radiohead)
- Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Bob Dylan)
- Symphony of Destruction (Megadeth)
- So Tell the Girls That I Am Back in Town (Jay Jay Johanson)
- Impossible Germany (Wilco)
- Romeo and Juliet (Dire Straits)
- Insignificance (Jim O'Rourke)
- The Greatest (Cat Power)
- Sweet Dreams Are Made of This (Eurythmics)
- There Is a Light That Never Goes Out (The Smiths)
- Werewolf (Fiona Apple)
- Fábula (Hugo Padeletti)
- Birds in the Night (Luis Cernuda)
- Una elegía (Mirta Rosenberg)
- Contemporáneo (Joaquín Giannuzzi)
- La caída (Beatriz Vignoli)
- No le copien a Pound (Gonzalo Rojas)
- Qué calor hace, madre (Héctor Viel Temperley)
- Anagke (Rubén Darío)
- Oración por Marilyn Monroe (Ernesto Cardenal)
- Reina (Leónidas Lamborghini)
- Haz que yo pueda ser, amor, la escala (Rubén Bonifaz Nuño)
- El sueño de los guantes negros (Ramón López Velarde)
- Entre dos puntos (Miguel Ángel Petrecca)
- Oración (Martín Rodríguez)
- Que tanto y tanto amor se pudra, oh dioses...(Eduardo Lizalde)
- Adolfo Hitler medita en el problema judío (Oscar Hahn)
- Un plástico transparente (Fabián Casas)
- Reverencia a Orfeo (César Mermet)
- Ernesto Cardenal y yo (Roberto Bolaño)
- Ejecutoria del miasma (Oliverio Girondo)
- Para leer de abajo hacia arriba (Pedro Mairal)
- E (Mario Montalbetti)
- Mantra de primavera (Diana Bellessi)
- Jonás (Enrique Lihn)
- Recordábamos sentados o un poco más lejos (Francisco Garamona)
- Nocturno mar (Xavier Villaurrutia)
- Cuatro parábolas del amor divino (Jorge Eduardo Eielson)
- Ars Tradendi (Jaime Arrambide)
- Booz ve dormir a Ruth (Gilberto Owen)
- Yace (D.G. Helder)
- Pesadez en el aire de agosto... (Alejandro Rubio)
- Llamado por los malos poetas (Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill)
- A los reales seguidores del realismo (Sergio Raimondi)
- como Sylvia Plath... (Delfina Muschietti)
- Llanto por la muerte de un perro (Abigael Bohórquez)
- El polvo (Néstor Perlongher)
- New York (Oficina y denuncia) (Federico García Lorca)
- XXVIII (César Vallejo)
- Comienza un lunes (Eliseo Diego)
- Don Juan derrotado (Julián Herbert)
- Al caer el alba, entre la luz ceniza... (Daniel Freidemberg)
- Ya no (Idea Vilariño)
- Oración a la Virgen de los Rieles (Jorge Esquinca)
- Los animales viejos (Aníbal Cristobo)
- Entonces en las aguas de Conchán (Antonio Cisneros)
- Pido mi puesto (Alejandro Crotto)
- Explico algunas cosas (Pablo Neruda)
- Canción del conurbano bonaerense (Román Fraschetti)
- Siempre la claridad viene del cielo... (Claudio Rodríguez)
- Veintinco centavos, por el amor de Dios (Hernán Bravo Varela)
- Pandémica y celeste (Jaime Gil de Biedma)
- Ciego Dios (Alfredo R. Placencia)
- Con palabras distintas (José Ángel Valente)
- Soneto de tus vísceras (Baldomero Fernández Moreno)
- Bosque en llamas (Horacio Castillo)
- ¡No, música tenaz, me hables del cielo! (José Martí)
- Entrada en el desierto (Carlos Mastronardi)
- Canción sin gansos (Óscar de Pablo)
- Escriba del espejo (Bernardo Schiavetta)
- Comienza la canción del carnicero... (Carlos Schilling)
- Un cuáquero en la corte de los milagros (Alejandro Mendez)
- Ser a mares (Pedro Poitevin)
- Villancicos del Santo Niño de las Quemaduras (Luis Felipe Fabre)
- El afilador (Alejandro Albarrán Polanco)
- Invocación bastante abstrusa (Paula Abramo)
- La primera persona (Daniel Saldaña París)
- El haragán (José Watanabe)
- Quiero dejar en claro... (Eduardo Milán)
- El alba (Gabriel Roel)
- Sextina de los desiguales (Carlos Germán Belli)
- La grulla (Javier Peñalosa)
- Idilio (Salvador Díaz Mirón)
Traductor invitado
- C. E. Feiling traduce a Persio
- San Juan de la Cruz traduce al Salmista
- Hernán Bravo Varela traduce a Gerald Manley Hopkins
- Francisco de Quevedo traduce a Joachim Du Bellay
- Mirta Rosenberg y Daniel Samoilovich traducen a Lewis Carroll
- Luis Cernuda traduce a W. B. Yeats
- Eliseo Diego traduce a Ossip Mandelstam
- Alfonso Reyes traduce a Stéphane Mallarmé
- Ricardo H. Herrera traduce a Eugenio Montale
- José Ángel Valente traduce a Konstantinos Kavafis
- Ernesto Cardenal traduce a Catulo
- Octavio Paz traduce a Mark Strand
- Justin DiFeliciantonio traduce a Rubén Darío
- Mai Schwartz traduce a Néstor Perlongher
- Robin Myers traduce a Luis Cernuda
- Silvina Ocampo traduce a Gérard de Nerval
- Leandro Fanzone traduce a Michael Joseph Jackson
- Andrés Holguín traduce a Joachim Du Bellay
- Jaime Gil de Biedma traduce a W. H. Auden
- Alastair Reid traduce a Jorge Luis Borges
- Horacio Castillo traduce a Odiseas Elytis
- Alejandro Crotto traduce a Alfred Lord Tennyson
- Pedro Poitevin traduce a Edna St. Vincent Millay
- Paula Abramo traduce a Gregório de Matos
- Ezra Loomis Pound traduce a Joachim Du Bellay
- Manuel Mujica Láinez traduce a William Shakespeare
- Jordi Doce traduce a Geoffrey Hill
- Rodolfo Wilcock traduce a T.S. Eliot
- Óscar de Pablo traduce a Dylan Thomas
- José Emilio Pacheco traduce a Dylan Thomas
- Samuel Beckett traduce a Ramón López Velarde
- Miguel Ángel Petrecca traduce a Meng Jiasheng
- Pablo Anadón traduce a T.S. Eliot
- Alejandro Bekes traduce a Francesco Petrarca
- Ben Clark traduce a Edward Thomas
- Leopoldo Lugones traduce a Dante Alighieri
- Raúl Gustavo Aguirre traduce a Arthur Rimbaud
- David Huerta traduce a Joachim Du Bellay
- Eduardo Milán traduce a Guillaume de Poitiers
- Fabio Morábito traduce a Eugenio Montale
- Francisco Serrano traduce a Guillaume de Poitiers
- Jerome Rothenberg traduce a Paul Celan
- Gerardo Deniz traduce a Alexandr Pushkin
- Aurelio Asiain traduce a Wallace Stevens
- Aníbal Cristobo traduce a Michael Meyerhofer
- Enrique Winter traduce a Philip Larkin
- Había un terrorista que fue el MALBA...
- Había un cocinero por el SoHo...
- Había un astronauta en Tartagal...
- Había un futbolista de Adrogué...
- Había cierto hippie de El Bolsón...
- Radio Z
- Words, Words, Words
- Pasajes oportunos
- Kriller 71
- Días después del diluvio
- Informe sobre ectoplasma animal
- Entrada sin puerta
- Como una mosca de largas zancas
- Mi pocilga
- Pornosonetos
- Pedro Mairal
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